May 29, 2020
Light at the end of the tunnel?
Well we've all been stuck inside for quite a while but after the Scottish Governments announcement yesterday, we can at least meet some friends and family in small groups outside so there is some light at the end of the tunnel. AND to top it off the weather has been amazing so hopefully some of you have been able to get out and enjoy some sunshine.
So what have we been up to? We'll most of us have stayed at home, like most of our customers, trying to keep ourselves busy and taking walks around Glasgow and Edinburgh with our Gordon St Coffee thinking about the day when we can reopen...😁

A few of the team attempted a bread baking competition, which actually worked out quite well. Everyone said their loaf tasted amazing, so we just have to take everyone's word for it 😆.

However, Charlene in GSC Edinburgh made the most tasting looking cinnamon plaits and buns...a future sweet option for the shop maybe????

What else...? Well you may have spotted Gordon St Coffee making a few cameo appearances in the latest series of BBC Scotlands Inside Central Station.
It's worth a watch.
We're really missing our shiny coffee machine and Deidre our roaster but never fear, there is light at the end of the tunnel and it looks like we will be back roasting coffee very very soon! Keep an eye on our Glasgow and Edinburgh facebook pages and Instagram @Gordonstcoffee and @Gordonstcoffeeedin for all updates.
Stay safe everyone and we will see you all soon.
Team GSC xxx