We're back roasting coffee and our online shop is OPEN!
Yes you heard it right we're back!!! Deidre our Glasgow roaster is fired up and it feels like we've never been away.
So we've dotted the i's and crossed the t's, got all the relevant health and safety certificates sorted, we have social distancing measures in place for the team and the roastery has been deep cleaned and sanitised from top to bottom.
Glasgow Central Station have been an amazing help as always so thanks to all the team there, and if you haven't already please check out BBC's Inside Central Station and there's some great footage behind the scenes at Glasgow Central Tours.
So now we're roasting coffee once again we have another bit of exciting news...and you may have already noticed but we have a new website and online shop.

We're also excited to be launching our Gordon St Coffee Subscription service very soon, where we will post out you coffee every month so watch this space!
We're still hoping to get both our Gordon St Coffee shops, in Glasgow and Edinburgh open as soon as possible so you can get your favourite daily coffee fix so keep an eye on our social pages for updates.
In the meantime we hope you like our new site so feel free to shop away and fingers crossed we will get to see all our customers in person very soon.
That's us off to sort out another load of orders.